Lockdown Adventures with Moriath Glass

The arrival of lockdown brought several weeks of creative block, despair at the situation and worry about far-flung offspring. So like many others Moira threw herself into the garden. It was a way of retaining a sense of control in a world where everything else was suddenly out of her control. So the greenhouse was moved, new compost bins were constructed, veg beds spruced up and extended - all this with the help of her partner and fellow creative Aled Jenkins of Llechen Gymreig. A million seeds were sown, and then it was time to sit back and wait.

The time for walking in sun and wind and rain, finding new pathways and woodlands on the doorstep, discovering forgotten ones , gathering feathers, seeing new life emerge. Nature has been the touchstone for so many people these last three months.

Then slowly and gradually she re-entered the studio next to the house and started to engage with glass again. Using ferns and feathers, bird images, foxes and badger images - all the things she had been watching for the last couple of months new pieces were fired, and new ways of colouring the glass - having fun with it, free from the restraints of dates and deadlines.